Owner manual

Apollo 16 Hardware Manual Front Panel 12
Monitor Mute
Pushing the Monitor knob toggles the mute state of the signals at monitor outputs on the rear panel. When the
monitor outputs are muted, the Monitor Level Indicator (8) is red. When the monitor outputs are not muted, the
Monitor Level Indicator is green.
(8) Monitor Level Indicator
The signal level at the rear panel monitor outputs is displayed with the illuminated indicator ring surrounding
the Monitor Level knob (7). The ring is green when the monitor outputs are active, and red when the monitor
outputs are muted. This level indicator is after the Monitor Level control (post fader).
Note: This feature indicates relative levels only and is not calibrated to any specific dB values.
(9) Power Switch
This switch applies power to Apollo 16. When the unit is powered on, the Universal Audio logo is illuminated.
The external power supply must be properly connected for this switch to function.
As with any sound system, to avoid audio spikes in your speakers, the following steps are recommended:
• Apply power to the speakers last, after all other devices (including Apollo 16) are powered on.
• Turn off the speakers first, before all other devices (including Apollo 16) are powered off.