Hardware manual

Apollo Hardware Manual Interconnections
Basic Setup
This diagram illustrates a simple Apollo setup that might be used by an individual musician/engineer for
recording and mixing.
The example shows an electric guitar connected to the Hi-Z input of channel 1 and a microphone connected to
the XLR input of channel 2 so they can both be recorded simultaneously. Headphones are used during tracking
to avoid track bleed from the monitor speakers (Monitor Mute is enabled during tracking). The left and right
monitor outputs are connected to a loudspeaker system for use during mixdown.
Key points for this example:
Two preamp channels are used (electric guitar and microphone)
Mic/Line switch for channel 2 is set to “Mic”
Monitor outputs are connected to powered monitors (or an amp+speaker system)
If connecting to a Thunderbolt computer via the Thunderbolt Option Card, the FireWire connections
shown here would not be used