Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts 100
Signal Flow
Audio signals in a Console channel flow through the inserts serially from top to bottom.
Therefore, if more than one plug-in is inserted in a channel, the location of a plug-in
within the inserts can impact the sound of the channel. Plug-ins can be reordered by
dragging them to change the serial processing order.
Unison Insert
Apollo’s Unison technology is activated when a Unison-enabled UAD
plug-in is loaded in the dedicated Unison insert located above the
preamp options (as shown at right, outlined in red).
Note: Audio on preamp channels is processed by the Unison in-
sert (if active) before the channel inserts.
The Unison insert is only available on Apollo preamp channels. How-
ever, Unison inserts are operated exactly the same way as standard
channel inserts. See Chapter 8: Unison for related information.
Insert Assign Popover
Clicking any empty insert slot displays the Plug-Ins Manager popover window. Click any
UAD plug-in from any category in the popover to load the plug-in into the insert.
The Insert Assign popover
Click area outlined
in red to insert a
Unison plug-in