Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts 105
Function Switches
The function switches appear between the title bar and the plug-in controls.
Channel Strip Enable/Disable
This switch engages Channel Strip mode, all UAD plug-ins within the channel inserts can
be controlled within a single window. For details, see Channel Strips.
Insert Select/Assign Menu
This switch presents the Select/Assign drop menu, where differ-
ent inserts can be selected for editing, or a different plug-in can
be assigned to the current insert.
When more than one insert is populated in the channel, choos-
ing a different plug-in from the menu selects that plug-in for
editing. In the example at right, three of the channel’s inserts
are populated. If only one insert is populated, only the current
plug-in is displayed.
Choosing this menu item opens the plug-in assign popover win-
dow, for replacing the plug-in currently in the insert.
Note: When a plug-in is replaced via the assign function,
any customized settings in the replaced plug-in are lost (if
they weren’t saved as a preset). However, they can be recov-
ered until a different Console session is loaded by using the
Undo function.
Presets Manager Popover
This switch presents the Presets Manager popover window, where plug-in settings can be
saved and loaded. For details, see Presets Manager.
Note: With narrow plug-ins, the switch icon at right is displayed instead of
the word “PRESETS.”
Plug-In Power
This switch deactivates the insert’s plug-in by unloading it from the SHARC processor.
When deactivated, the plug-in no longer uses UAD resources.
Click the switch to change the state. The plug-in is enabled when the switch is orange in
color, and deactivated when the switch is gray. Deactivated plug-ins are indicated in the
channel inserts by a light gray background.
The Select/Assign menu