Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts 106
Important: Because this function unloads and loads the plug-in from the DSP,
audio artifacts can occur if the enable state is changed while audio is being
processed by the plug-in. To disable individual plug-in processing without audio
artifacts, use the power control within the plug-in interface instead, which keeps
the plug-in loaded on the DSP.
Copy Plug-In Settings
This switch copies the parameter settings of the plug-in to the clipboard so they can be
pasted into another instance of the same plug-in.
Paste Plug-In Settings
This switch pastes plug-in parameter settings, that were previously copied to the clip-
board, into the current plug-in. If the switch is unavailable (gray), no settings are avail-
able in the clipboard or the plug-in title is different.
Note: Copied plug-in settings can only be pasted into the same plug-in title.
UAD Toolbar
The UAD Toolbar is displayed at the bottom of each UAD plug-in, including when the
plug-in is used within a DAW (outside of Console).
For complete UAD Toolbar details, see the UAD System Manual.
Preset Manager Menu
This drop menu can be used to manage UAD presets within a DAW. To
manage presets within Console, the Presets Manager instead.
Note: The Presets Manager is recommended for managing presets
within Console (instead of the UAD Toolbar) because of its superior
Information Menu
This drop-menu contains two shortcuts for accessing information about the
UAD plug-in.
Manual – Opens the UAD Plug-Ins Manual for for UA-developed plug-ins, or
the manual provided by the developer of 3rd-party plug-ins.
Web Info – Opens the default web browser and goes to the plug-in product page on the
Universal Audio website (internet connection required).