Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 1: Introduction 11
Apollo Software Overview
Apollo has several software components that comprise the complete Apollo system. A
brief description of each component is provided below, along with a link to complete
details about the component.
Console Application
The Console application is Apollo’s primary software interface. Its main function is to
control the hardware unit and its digital mixing and monitoring capabilities. The Console
mixer is where Realtime UAD Processing using UAD Powered Plug-Ins is configured.
Important Fundamental Concept: The primary function of Console is to control
Apollo’s hardware input monitoring, Unison plug-ins, and Realtime UAD Process-
ing. Console MUST be used to take advantage of these features. Console replaces
the software input monitoring feature of the DAW mixer.
For an overview of the application, see “Chapter 3: Console Overview”. For complete
details, see “Chapter 4: Console Reference”.
Console Recall Plug-In
Console Recall is a DAW plug-in supplied in VST,
RTAS, AAX 64, and Audio Units formats. Console
Recall offers additional convenience when using Apollo
and/or the Console application in conjunction with a
DAW. Its primary function is to store complete Console
configurations within the DAW project file.
For complete details, see “Chapter 7: Console Recall Plug-In”.
UAD Powered Plug-Ins
UAD Powered Plug-Ins are the software plug-in titles containing the DSP algorithms.
UAD plug-ins are loaded within a host application for audio processing on Apollo’s in-
tegrated UAD-2 DSP accelerator (Console and DAWs are host applications). Each UAD
plug-in contains a graphical user interface (GUI) and various control parameters that can
be manipulated to achieve the desired sonic results.
Typical UAD plug-in window
Apollo includes numerous UAD Powered Plug-Ins that are bundled with the device. Op-
tional UAD plug-ins can be evaluated without functional limitations for 14 days in demo
mode. Optional plug-in licenses can be purchased at the UA online store.