Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts 113
If the PRESET column contains one or more folders, selecting the folder will display its
contents in the SUB-FOLDER column. Click any preset in the SUB-FOLDER column to
instantly load it.
If more presets reside in the column than are currently within view, a scroll bar appears.
Presets Manager Function Buttons
The Presets Manager contains switches to name, save, and perform other file manage-
ment tasks. Click a switch to perform the operation on the currently selected preset or
Save – Saves the current modified preset file in place. If the preset was not previously
saved (if the file doesn’t exist), the Save window appears.
New Folder – Creates a new sub-folder. Sub-folders appear in the left column of the Pre-
sets Manager.
Move – Opens the Save window where the selected preset can be moved to a different
location within the presets folder, with the option to rename the preset.
Delete – Deletes the selected preset file from disk and removes it from the presets list. A
confirmation dialog appears before the file is deleted.