Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 6: Console Settings 135
Always On Top
When set to NONE (the default value), a UAD plug-in editor window can be covered by
the Console window when Console is the foreground application.
When set to PLUG-INS, UAD plug-in editor windows always float on top of the Console
and Console Settings windows (when Console is the foreground application), so they can
always be seen and adjusted.
Note: This setting only affects UAD plug-in window behavior within Console. It
does not apply to UAD plug-ins when they are used in other host applications.
Show Device Names
When set to ON, Apollo’s Device Name is displayed in the Meter Bridge.
This feature is intended primarily for use with multi-unit systems. When the Meter Bridge
contains the inputs for more than one Apollo unit, this feature groups the input channels
by device name for easier input identification.
Tip: This feature can also be accessed from the Remove.
The Meter Bridge with Show Device Names OFF (left) and ON (right)
Modifiers Timeout
This option sets the period, in seconds, used for Option Latch operations.