Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 7: Console Recall Plug-In 142
How To Use Console Recall
To use Console Recall, simply place one instance of the Console Recall plug-in into any
insert slot in the DAW project.
Important: Do not insert more than one occurrence of the Console Recall plug-in
within any single DAW project. Doing so could cause unpredictable results.
Because the plug-in does not process audio in any way, the insert location isn’t critical.
Although it can be placed on any audio track, virtual instrument track, aux bus, output,
etc, placing it on the master output is recommended for consistency since projects usu-
ally contain an output channel.
Upon instantiation, the plug-in’s Monitor Level, Mono, and Mute controls mirror the
equivalent controls in the Console application. Enabling SYNC causes the current Con-
sole settings to be stored within the DAW project.
Enabling SYNC
When Console Recall is first loaded, the SYNC switch is disabled (gray). To activate
SYNC, click the switch so it is engaged (lit).
SYNC switch when disabled (left) and enabled (right)
Enabling SYNC does not change the Console settings; SYNC doesn’t do anything until
the DAW project file is saved and subsequently reloaded.
Important: SYNC saves the Console settings within the DAW file, not the Console
application. Therefore the DAW project file must be saved to disk to retain the
Console settings in the project.
Effect on Session Name in Console
When a DAW project is loaded that contains the Console Recall plug-in with SYNC en-
abled, the Session Name in the Console application displays “- Sync Session -” and the
display is dimmed.
Console session name when SYNC is enabled in DAW