Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 10: Multi-Unit Cascading 175
Multi-Unit Clocking
All multi-unit clocking is carried via Thunderbolt. All connected Apollo units always clock
(slave) from the monitor (master) unit, whether set to internal or external clock.
Important: Do not interconnect any FireWire, ADAT, Word Clock, or MADI ports
between any Apollo units.
When multiple units are connected via Thunderbolt, all system clocking and clock set-
tings are automatically configured by Apollo’s device drivers. The clock setting in Con-
sole’s Info Bar (and its mirrored setting in the Hardware panel within the Console Set-
tings window) must remain on INTERNAL unless specifically clocking to an external
(non-Apollo) device.
Note: When Apollo’s clock source is set to INTERNAL, “EXT” will illuminate on
the front panel hardware of the expander units.
When using an external (non-Apollo) clock, connect the external clock to the monitor unit
only. All connected Apollo units are automatically configured to use the external clock
when Apollo’s Clock is set to EXTERNAL.
Important: When synchronizing to external clock, connect the external clock
source to the monitor unit only. The expander units always synchronize to the
monitor unit.