Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 10: Multi-Unit Cascading 177
Console Session Management
Console 1 to Console 2 Session
If a Console session was created and saved with Console 1 and the session is subse-
quently opened with a multi-unit Thunderbolt setup in Console 2 (UAD v8.0.1 or later),
the previous Console 1 configuration is retained, with the exception noted below.
Note: Cue and headphone management settings are handled differently in Console
2 sessions. These settings are not retained when updating a Console 1 session.
Single-to-Multi Session
If a Console session was created and saved with a single-unit setup and the session is
subsequently opened with a multi-unit setup, the expander unit(s) is automatically added
to the session and the number of Console inputs expands accordingly. All settings from
the single-unit session are maintained.
Multi-to-Single Session
If a Console session was created and saved with a multi-unit setup and the session is
subsequently opened with a single-unit setup, the expander unit(s) settings are retained
in the session for offline configuration. The expander unit(s) can be removed from the
session via the if desired.
Multi-Unit Constraints
Certain features are reduced when multi-unit cascading due to technical constraints re-
quired to maintain integrated mix buses with Realtime UAD Processing capabilities.
All multi-unit constraints are listed below.
Multi-unit cascading is unavailable at sample rates of 176.4 kHz or
192 kHz.
Cue buses can be routed to the line and/or digital outputs of the monitor unit only.
This constraint does not apply when routing cues to headphone outputs.
Flex Routing destinations can be only be assigned to outputs on the same unit as
the input. It’s not possible to cross-route from one unit to another.
Apollo uses Thunderbolt for inter-unit clocking when multiple Apollo devices are
connected. Because the host computer is the master Thunderbolt controller, inter-
unit clocking, and therefore standalone use, is not possible with Apollo multi-unit
Connecting two Apollo Twin units is not a compatible configuration.