Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 11: Latency & Apollo 180
Effect of Console’s IDC setting
In Console
In Console, the amount of delay added by the IDC engine is automatic. Only the mini-
mum amount of delay actually required to compensate the input(s) is applied (up to the
maximum value of the setting), maintaining the lowest possible latency for phase align-
ment at all times.
For example: When the IDC value is Short (100 samples – the default value) and only 31
samples is actually required to compensate, then only 31 samples of delay will be ap-
plied to the other Console inputs.
In the DAW
In the DAW, the amount of delay added by Console’s IDC
engine is static. The extra samples are always added to
all inputs in the DAW, even if no upsampled plug-ins are
active. However, this overall additional input latency is
reported by Apollo’s drivers, so it is automatically compen-
sated by the DAW’s ADC.
For example: When the IDC value is Short (100 samples – the default value) and only 31
samples is actually required to compensate, 100 samples is still added to all inputs in
the DAW. If using software monitoring via the DAW, the extra (unnecessary) delay could
be detected.
Note: By default, Console Input Delay Compensation is enabled with the Short
value (100 samples).
Software monitoring with Console IDC
When software monitoring via the DAW and Console IDC is enabled, the lowest effective
Console IDC setting is recommended to minimize monitoring latency. If using Console for
monitoring and software monitoring via the DAW is disabled, the IDC value isn’t as criti-
cal because Console will dynamically deliver the lowest possible monitoring latency.
UAD-2 DSP Resources
Console IDC uses a small percentage of Apollo’s UAD-2 DSP. To maximize DSP resource
availability for UAD plug-ins, disable Console IDC if it is not needed.
Special Cases: UAD Precision Multiband and UAD Ampex ATR-102
These two upsampled UAD plug-ins have extra latency values that exceed the capacity of
Console’s IDC engine even at the maximum setting (Long). These plug-ins are designed
to be used on outputs of a DAW during mixdown, where latency is not a consideration. If
using these plug-ins in Console, the Input Delay Compensation feature may need to be
disabled or ignored.
Input Delay Compensation Values
Setting Name Extra Delay (samples)
Off 0
Short 100
Medium 200
Long 1000