Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 3: Console Overview 32
Console Settings Overview
Global parameters for Apollo and Console
are configured in the Console Settings
Note: For complete details, see “Chap-
ter 6: Console Settings” beginning on
page 115.
Console Settings Panels
Controls within the Console Settings win-
dow are arranged according to related
functionality. Each set of related controls
are contained within a single panel.
Five panels are available in the Console
Settings window:
Hardware – Settings related to Apollo hardware device setup
Core Audio – Settings related to Flex Driver and custom driver I/O mapping
Display – Settings related to how and what items are displayed in Console
Plug-Ins – Settings related to UAD plug-ins used within Console
MIDI – Settings for configuring MIDI control of Tap Tempo within Console
Accessing Console Settings
The Console Settings window can be opened using any of these methods:
Choose View>Settings from the Application Menus
Choose Console Settings under the UA icon drop menu in the Mac OS X Menu Bar
Accessing Console Settings from the Mac OS X Menu Bar
Click the SETTINGS switch at the bottom of the View Column
Use the “command-comma” keyboard shortcut
The Hardware panel within
the Console Settings window