Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 3: Console Overview 33
Insert Effects Overview
The Insert Effects settings are used to specify whether or not Realtime UAD Processing
in Console is recorded (printed) in the DAW.
Console inputs are recorded with processing (wet) when Insert Effects are active.
The UAD-processed signals are heard and recorded.
Console inputs are recorded without processing (dry) when Insert Effects are inac-
tive. The UAD-processed signals are heard, but not recorded.
Important: UAD plug-in processing in Console’s Unison insert and auxiliary inserts
are always routed to the DAW, regardless of the current Insert Effects setting (Uni-
son and aux insert processing is always recorded).
Function of the Insert Effects Switch
The Insert Effects switch determines if the DAW records Console’s inputs with or without
Realtime UAD Processing, regardless of the actual wet or dry state of the monitor mix.
This is accomplished by routing Console’s inputs into the DAW from before the plug-in
inserts (dry recording) or after the plug-in inserts (wet recording).
Record With Effects
When Insert Effects are record-enabled, Apollo’s hardware input signals are
processed by Console’s UAD plug-in inserts before routing into the DAW.
In this mode, the post-insert (wet) state of all Console inputs with Realtime
UAD Processing is routed to the DAW inputs.
Note: This setting is used to record “wet” with Realtime UAD Processing.
Monitor With Effects
When Insert Effects is not record-enabled, Apollo’s hardware input signals
are routed directly into the DAW before being processed by Console’s UAD
plug-in inserts.
In this mode, the pre-insert (dry) state of all Console inputs is routed to the
DAW inputs, even if Realtime UAD Processing is occurring in the monitor mix.
Note: This setting is used to record “dry” when Realtime UAD Processing is active.
Individual Channel Insert Effects
Insert Effects can be recorded wet or dry on a per-channel basis. For details, see Channel
Insert Effects.
Global Insert Effects
Insert Effects for all channels can be globally switched to override the individual channel
insert effect switches. For details, see Global Insert Effects.