Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 3: Console Overview 34
Cues Overview
The cue mix buses are used to create unique mixes that are separate from the main
monitor mix. Cues are typically used for performers that want to hear a headphone mix
that is different from the main monitor mix, sending separate mixes to other rooms or
audio equipment, and similar applications.
In addition to the main monitor stereo mix bus and the two auxiliary stereo mix buses,
Apollo features up to four stereo cue mix buses (two with Apollo Twin) that can be used
for a variety of signal routing purposes.
Cue Labels
The cue labels vary per Apollo device model, as described below.
Apollo, Apollo 8, Apollo 8p, Apollo 16 – The cues are labeled CUE 1, CUE 2, CUE 3,
and CUE 4 respectively.
Apollo Twin – With Apollo Twin, the two cues are labeled HP (headphone) and LINE 3/4
(line outputs 3 and 4) to reflect the available hardware outputs on the device.
Cue Components
The complete cue system is comprised of the cue mix buses, the cue sends, and the cue
Cue Mix Buses – A cue mix bus is the summed stereo mix of individual audio signals.
Signals are routed into the cue mix buses via the cue send controls, and returned from
the cue mix bus via the cue outputs controls.
Cue Sends – The cue sends adjust the individual channel signals going into the cue mix
bus. Each input channel and aux return contains individual level, pan,* and mute con-
trols for each active cue mix bus. All cue sends are pre-fader and pre-mute so they are
not affected by adjustments to the main monitor mix.
*Note: If two input channels are stereo-linked, the cue sends on the stereo pair
cannot be panned. Sends for stereo channels are hard-panned left and right.
Cue Outputs – Cue mix buses are returned via the Cue Outputs window, which is a matrix
for routing the cues to Apollo’s available hardware outputs.
Cue Monitoring – Available cue outputs also can be selected as a source for the main
monitor outs via the Monitor Output Options, enabling any cue mix bus to be heard in
the main monitor speakers.
Cue Count
By default, two cues are displayed in Console (four with Apollo 16). Up to four cues are
available with Apollo by increasing the Cue Bus Count in the Hardware panel within the
Console Settings window.