Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 3: Console Overview 40
Flex Driver Overview
Apollo’s powerful Flex Driver feature allows enables virtual mapping of I/O routes, chan-
nel counts, and labels at the Core Audio driver level. For complete Flex Driver details,
see “Core Audio Panel” beginning on page 125.
Important: Custom driver I/O routing changes the driver I/O complement. Quit all
audio applications before changing driver I/O assignments.
Custom I/O Maps – With Flex Driver, it’s possible to remap Apollo’s driver inputs/outputs
to any Core Audio inputs/outputs, offering the ultimate in I/O routing flexibility when us-
ing any DAW.
Custom I/O Names – The driver labels for Apollo’s I/O can be renamed so DAW inputs
and outputs can use custom names. With Flex Driver, channel input and output selectors
within a DAW can be (for example) “Neve 1073” instead of “Input 1.”
Custom Channel Counts – Some DAWs restrict the number of I/O channels that can be
used. With Flex Driver, it’s possible to specify exactly which I/O is seen by the DAW, even
if the available Apollo I/O exceeds the DAW’s maximum channel I/O count.
Custom I/O Presets – Customized I/O tables can be saved and loaded to or from disk as
presets for future recall and/or sharing with other Apollo users.
Core Audio Panel – The Core Audio panel is the software interface for Flex Driver. This is
where Apollo’s I/O can be renamed, remapped, and saved for future use.
The Flex Driver feature is configured in the Core Audio settings panel