Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 4: Console Reference 45
Chapter 4: Console Reference
This chapter provides in-depth descriptions of all controls within Console. For a general
operational overview, see “Chapter 3: Console Overview” beginning on page 16.
Meter Bridge
The Meter Bridge is always visible at the top of the Console window. It displays all visible
input channels, signal activity at these inputs, and the Bank Bar, which is used to scroll
inputs that are out of horizontal view.
Refer to the diagram below for descriptions in this section.
The Meter Bridge elements
Input Channels
The Meter Bridge represents all Apollo input channels. When an input channel is hidden
with the Show/Hide Inputs function, that channel is not displayed in the Meter Bridge.
Channel Meters
Each vertical green meter represents input signal activity in the channel. These small
meters mirror the activity of each high-resolution Input Meter that is displayed next to
each channel’s Input Fader.
Bank Bar
When the Console window does not have enough available horizontal space to display all
available input channels, the gray Bank Bar appears within the Meter Bridge.
The Bank Bar “floats” on top of all input channels in the Meter Bridge. The Bank Bar is
used to change the channels that are visible within the Current Bank.
Note: The Bank Bar is not displayed when all available input channels are visible
within the Console window.
Bank Bar
Channels not in
Current Bank (black)
Device Name
(optional via right-click)
Non-Hidden Input Channels