Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 4: Console Reference 60
No External Clock
If the Clock Source setting in not set to Internal and the external
clock signal cannot be detected and/or resolved, then the text in
the Clock Display display flashes RED (as shown at right) until a
valid clock is detected and/or an alternate clock source is se-
lected. If this occurs, verify connections and external device settings.
Important: Only one device in a digital audio system can be the master clock
source. The Apollo clock setting, and the sample rate, must match the master
device settings or audio artifacts could occur.
UAD Resource Display
UAD plug-in loads are shown in the Resource Display at the far
right of the Info Bar. These three gauges (DSP, PGM, and MEM)
provide important visual feedback in realtime, by helping to
determine which plug-ins to load if available UAD resources are
The UAD resources are displayed as blue bar graphs and as percentages. These gauges
have no controls; they are visual indicators only.
Tip: The Resource Display mirrors the meters within the UAD Meter & Control
Panel application.
Averaged Loads
The load for each gauge represents the average for all UAD devices in use. For example,
if one Apollo QUAD unit is installed, the UAD DSP load is an average of the four SHARC
DSP processors in the unit. If two QUAD units are installed, then the eight processors
are averaged, and so on.
Individual Loads
Individual DSP loads within a single unit, and the loads of individual devices in a multi-
device setup, can be viewed in the System Information panel within the included UAD
Meter & Control Panel application.
UAD Plug-In Loads
The amount of UAD resources used by UAD plug-ins vary with each individual plug-in;
more complex algorithms require more resources.
Instance Chart
The amount of DSP used by each individual UAD plug-in is available in the UAD in-
stance count chart. The chart can help determine which to plug-ins to assign with avail-
able resources. The chart is published online at: