Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 4: Console Reference 68
To change the output route:
1. Click anywhere in the Output Route display to reveal the Output
Route window.
2. Select an output (or output pair, for stereo linked channels) in
the window.
Note: If an output does not appear in the window, the output is al-
ready in use by another input channel, cue output, or ALT output.
Routes Available Count
The number of currently available mono and stereo channel output routes is displayed in
gray text at the bottom of the menu. The number is decremented with each assignment.
Up to eight outputs can be assigned with Flex Routing.
Mirror to Monitor
When a channel is routed to an output other than the monitor outputs, the channel is si-
multaneously routed to the monitor outputs (mirrored) by default. Mirroring to the moni-
tor outputs can be disabled so the channel is routed only to the output selected in the
Output Route menu.
To toggle monitor mirroring, click the “Mirror to Monitor” button in Output Route menu.
Monitor mirroring is active when the button is orange colored. Mirroring is off when the
button is gray.
Channel is routed to
line output 5