Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 1: Introduction 7
Apollo Software Features
Note: For a list of hardware features, see the Apollo Hardware Manuals.
Console Application
Enables Realtime UAD Processing on Apollo inputs with indiscernible latency
Analog-style mixer for low-latency monitoring and tracking with UAD plug-ins
Remote control of Apollo hardware features and functionality
Console sessions can be saved/loaded for instant recall of any configuration
Multiple Undo/Redo for edit operations
Realtime UAD Processing:
Up to four UAD plug-ins can be serially chained on each input and aux return
UAD insert processing can be monitored “wet” while recording wet or dry
Sub-2ms round-trip latency with four serial UAD plug-ins at 96 kHz sample rate
Channel Inputs:
Input channels for all interface hardware inputs (except MADI with Apollo 16)
Level, pan, solo, and mute controls on all inputs
Four plug-in insert slots per input for Realtime UAD Processing
Two stereo auxiliary sends with level and pan controls on all inputs
Virtual inputs accept any outputs from DAW via device drivers
Stereo headphone sends with level and pan controls on all inputs*
Up to four stereo cue mix sends with level and pan controls on all inputs*
Adjacent input pairs can be linked for convenient stereo control
Sample rate conversion is available on S/PDIF and AES/EBU inputs*
Any input can be routed to any output (except Apollo Twin)
Stereo monitor mix bus with level, mute, solo, ALT, dim, and source select controls
Up to four independent stereo cue mix buses
Flexible routing matrix for assigning cues to any available headphone and line outputs
Independent monophonic sum controls for all mix buses
S/PDIF and AES/EBU outputs can optionally mirror the post-fader monitor mix*
Auxiliary Buses:
Two stereo auxiliary sends/returns with independent level, mute, and mono sum controls
Four plug-in inserts per auxiliary return for Realtime UAD Processing
Auxiliary buses can be routed to main monitor mix and/or cue outputs
Independent pre/post switching on each auxiliary bus
*Specific software features depend on hardware functionality not available with all Apollo devices. Details within.