Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 4: Console Reference 91
Save As...
This option opens the operating system’s standard file save dialog window so the current
session can be named and saved to disk as a new session file.
Important: Session settings will not be properly saved if the “/” (forward slash) or
“?” (question mark) characters are in the filename. Avoid these and other special
characters when saving session files.
Loads the session that is currently selected within the Presets Manager window (a ses-
sion is selected when highlighted in blue).
Tip: A session can also be loaded by double-clicking the session or typing Return
(or Enter) when the session is selected.
Sessions Menu
The Sessions Menu provides quick access to sessions functions without opening the Ses-
sions Manager. Click any item in the menu to perform the function.
Items in the menu are divided into three sections. File management options are in the
top section, existing session files and folders that reside on disk are listed in the center
section, and cached (overwritten) sessions are listed in the bottom section.
Display Sessions Menu
To access the Sessions Menu, right-click the Sessions Switch located at
the bottom of the Monitor Column. When the menu is displayed, clicking
an item in the menu chooses that item.
Refer to the diagram on the next page for Sessions Menu descriptions.
Right-click to
show the Ses-
sions Menu