Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 4: Console Reference 93
Cached Sessions
Cached sessions appear in the bottom section of the Sessions Menu. Cached sessions
are the same as session files, except they don’t reside in session files on disk. Instead,
these sessions are automatically created and stored in a temporary cache.
Why Cached Sessions Exist
When a DAW project containing the Console Recall plug-in is opened and the plug-in’s
SYNC function is enabled, the Console settings contained in the DAW project overwrite
the current Console settings. The cached sessions are used to recover the overwritten
data if desired. See SYNC for details about the feature.
When Cached Sessions Appear
A cached session is automatically created every time a DAW project containing the Con-
sole Recall plug-in is opened and the plug-in’s SYNC function is enabled. In this scenar-
io, the SYNC function loads the Console session contained in the DAW project, and the
previously-active Console settings are moved into the cached sessions menu.
The previously-saved Console session’s filename is retained in the cached session, and
a timestamp is prefixed so it can be easily distinguished from other sessions. The five
most-recently cached sessions appear in the list.