Technical information

Apollo Software Manual Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts 99
Chapter 5: UAD Plug-In Inserts
The Inserts section of each input strip is where UAD Powered Plug-Ins are selected and
used for Realtime UAD Processing. Four insert slots are available per Console channel
strip; therefore up to four UAD plug-ins can be serially chained (stacked) per input within
the constraints of available DSP resources.
Note: Only UAD Powered Plug-Ins can be loaded in Console. However, tracks with
non-UAD plug-ins used within a DAW can be routed into Console via Virtual I/O.
Inserts Display
The inserts display shows the name of currently loaded plug-ins (if any). An abbreviated
name is shown for longer plug-in names due to space constraints. In expanded views, an
icon representing the plug-in is also displayed.
Refer to the illustration below for element descriptions in this section.
The Channel Inserts
Inserts Rec/Mon
(click to switch)
Channel Strip Presets
(click for popover)
Insert Slots
1 – 4
Disabled Plug-In
(gray background)
Empty Insert
(click to assign)
Channel Insert
Effects Switch
Offline Plug-In
(red background)
Active Plug-In
(click to edit)