User Manual

Apollo x8 Hardware Manual Front Panel 15
(5) Preamp Gain Level & State Indicator
Preamp Gain Level Indicator
The amount of preamp gain for the currently selected channel is indicated by the
illuminated ring surrounding the PREAMP knob.
The ring indicates relative gain levels and is not calibrated to indicate any specific dB
value. However, precise numerical dB gain values for the preamps are displayed within
the Console application.
Note: If the ring is at maximum and flashes when the PREAMP knob is rotated,
the channel’s LINE input is selected and LINE INPUT GAIN is set to BYPASS.
See Line Input Gain Bypass for additional details.
Preamp State Indicator
In addition to the channel’s relative preamp gain, the ring around the knob also indicates
the current state of the preamp channel:
Unlit – The preamp gain is set to its minimum value (rotate the PREAMP knob
clockwise increase gain).
Green (variable) – The preamp is in default operating mode with variable gain.
Green (fixed at maximum) – LINE is selected for the channel (#6) and LINE INPUT
GAIN is set to BYPASS in the Hardware panel within the Console Settings window.
Orange – A UAD Unison plug-in is active in Console’s dedicated Unison insert for
the channel, and the PREAMP knob adjusts the first gain parameter in the Unison
Amber (Channel Select Indicator flashing) – A UAD Unison plug-in is active in
Console’s dedicated Unison insert for the channel, the channel is in Gain Stage
Mode, and the PREAMP knob adjusts the second gain parameter in the Unison
plug-in (if available).
Green (channel select indicator flashing) – A UAD Unison plug-in is active in
Console’s dedicated Unison insert for the channel, the channel is in Gain Stage
Mode, and the PREAMP knob adjusts the clean gain parameter in the Unison plug-in.
Note: See the Unison chapter within the Apollo Software Manual for complete
details about Unison operation and Gain Stage Mode.