User Manual

Apollo x8 Hardware Manual Rear Panel 29
(35) Left & Right Monitor Outputs
These balanced ¼” TRS phone jacks are line-level analog outputs typically used for
connection to a stereo loudspeaker monitoring system. Unbalanced ¼” TS cables can
also be used. The Monitor Outputs are DC coupled.
The signal levels and muting at these outputs are controlled with the Monitor Level &
Mute knob (#23).
The Monitor Outputs can be configured to use an operating level of +4 dBu (default
value) or -10 dBV. This option is set in the Hardware panel within the Console Settings
window. See the Apollo Software Manual for details.
The Monitor Outputs are completely independent and separately addressable from the
eight Line Outputs (except when ALT monitoring is configured). By default, the “1–2”
or “L–R” or “Main” outputs from a DAW are routed to these outputs (these labels vary
within each particular DAW).
Tip: The S/PDIF output (#32) can be configured to mirror the Monitor Outputs, for
routing the stereo monitor signal to the stereo S/PDIF input of other devices. This
feature is set with the DIGITAL MIRROR menu in the Hardware panel within the
Console Settings window.
(36) Line Inputs 1 – 8
Important: To use a ¼” line input, the channel’s INPUT indicator (#12) must be
set to LINE with the INPUT switch (#6) or the channel’s MIC/LINE switch within
the Console application.
The individually addressable line-level analog inputs use balanced ¼” TRS phone jacks.
Unbalanced ¼” TS cables can also be used. The Line Outputs are DC coupled.
Note: The Hi-Z inputs override the Line Inputs on channels 1 & 2.
Line Input Headroom
By default, the operating level of the line inputs is +20 dBu. The line
inputs and outputs can be globally configured to operate at +24 dBu
signal levels with the HEADROOM menu in the Settings>Hardware
panel within the Console application.
+24 dBu operation is typically used for interfacing with professional
audio equipment such as large format consoles, analog tape machines,
and similar devices that require higher signal levels. For additional
details about +24 dBu operation, see the Apollo Software Manual.
Headroom menu within
Console Settings