User Manual

Apollo x8 Hardware Manual Specifications 36
All specifications are typical performance unless otherwise noted. Tested with the Audio
Precision APx555 Audio Analyzer under the following conditions: 48 kHz internal
sample rate, 24-bit sample depth, 20 kHz measurement bandwidth, +24 dBu headroom,
balanced output, and internal clock.
I/O Complement
Microphone Inputs Four
High Impedance (Hi-Z) Instrument Inputs Two
Analog Line Inputs Eight
Analog Line Outputs (DC coupled) Eight (ten including Monitor outputs)
Analog Monitor Outputs (DC coupled) Two (one stereo pair)
Headphone Outputs Two stereo
ADAT Up to eight channels via dual I/O ports with S/MUX
S/PDIF One stereo input, one stereo output
Thunderbolt 3 Ports Two
Word Clock One input, one output
A/D – D/A Conversion
Simultaneous A/D conversion Eight channels
Simultaneous D/A conversion 14 channels
Supported Sample Rates (kHz) 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192
Bit Depth Per Sample 24
Analog Round-Trip Latency 1.1 milliseconds @ 96 kHz sample rate
Analog Round-Trip Latency through four UAD
legacy plug-ins (included) via Console software
1.1 milliseconds @ 96 kHz sample rate (no
additional latency via Realtime UAD Processing)