
Apollo x8p Hardware Manual Front Panel 14
Line Input Gain Bypass
By default, line inputs 1 – 8 are routed through the channel’s preamp so that the line
input level can be adjusted with the Gain knob. However, line inputs 1 – 8 can be
individually set to completely bypass the channel’s preamp circuitry and instead be
routed directly to the channel’s A/D converter at a fixed reference level.
This feature is set with the LINE INPUT GAIN menus in the Hardware panel within the
Console Settings window. See the Apollo Software Manual for details.
Tip: This feature routes the preamp channel’s line input signal directly into the
A/D converter for the purest path when additional gain is not needed (for example,
when connecting external mic preamps to preamp channel line inputs).
When the channel’s LINE INPUT GAIN menu is set to BYPASS in Console Settings and
the input mode is set to LINE:
The Preamp Gain Indicator ring (#5) for the channel is solid green.
When the Preamp Gain knob (#4) is rotated, the ring flashes to indicate that no
gain adjustment is occurring.
If a Unison plug-in is in the channel’s dedicated Unison insert in Console, the
Unison plug-in is bypassed.
Channel Select
Pressing the PREAMP knob changes the currently selected preamp channel, which
determines which input (1 – 8) is adjusted by the front panel preamp controls. A
preamp channel is selected for adjustment when its Channel Select Indicator (#13) is
Each time the knob is pressed, the selected preamp channel increments to the next
preamp channel. If stereo linking is active, the stereo pairs are selected.
Gain Stage Mode
Using Gain Stage Mode, up to three gain parameters within Unison UAD plug-ins can be
remotely controlled with the front panel PREAMP knob.
Gain Stage Mode is activated by pressing and holding the PREAMP knob for two seconds
when a Unison plug-in is active in the channel’s dedicated Unison insert within the
Console application. When Gain Stage Mode is active, pressing and holding the knob for
two seconds deactivates Gain Stage Mode.
Gain Stage Mode is active when the Channel Select Indicator (#13) for the currently
selected channel is flashing. In this state, pressing the PREAMP knob cycles through the
available gain parameters within the Unison plug-in so each gain stage in the plug-in can
be adjusted with the front panel PREAMP knob. The gain stage being controlled is shown
by the front panel Unison Indicators (#12).
Note: For complete details about Gain Stage Mode, see the Unison chapter within
the Apollo Software Manual.