
Apollo x8p Hardware Manual Rear Panel 26
S/PDIF Optical I/O
When set to S/PDIF, the optical ports use the S/PDIF protocol. The S/PDIF optical ports
provide two channels of digital I/O with resolutions up to 24-bit at 96 kHz.
S/PDIF Sample Rate Conversion
Sample rate conversion can be performed on the S/PDIF input; this setting is enabled
within the S/PDIF channel’s input strip in the Console application. When the sample rate
of the incoming S/PDIF signal does not match the sample rate specified in the Console
application, the S/PDIF signal is converted to match Apollo x8p’s sample rate. If Apollo
x8p is set to use S/PDIF as the master clock source, sample rate conversion is inactive.
Tip: The S/PDIF output can be configured to mirror the Monitor Outputs (#33), for
routing the stereo monitor signal to the stereo S/PDIF input of other devices. This
feature is set with the DIGITAL MIRROR menu in the Hardware panel within the
Console Settings window.
(30) 75 Ohm Word Clock Termination Switch
This switch provides internal 75-ohm word clock input signal termination when required.
Word clock termination is active when the switch is engaged (depressed).
Apollo x8p’s termination switch should only be engaged when Apollo x8p is set to sync
to external word clock and it is the last device at the receiving end of a word clock cable.
For example, if Apollo x8p is the last “slave” unit at the end of a clock chain (when
Apollo x8p’s word clock OUT port is not used), termination should be active.
(31) Word Clock I/O
Word Clock In
Apollo x8p’s internal clock can be synchronized (slaved) to an external master word
clock. This is accomplished by setting Apollo x8p’s clock source to Word Clock within the
Console application, connecting the external word clock’s BNC connector to Apollo x8p’s
word clock input, and setting the external device to transmit word clock. If Apollo x8p is
the last device in the clock chain, the Termination switch (#30) should be engaged.
Important: Apollo x8p’s sample rate must be manually set to match the incoming
clock’s sample rate.
Note: Apollo x8p can be synchronized to an external “1x” clock signal only.
Superclock, overclocking, and subclocking are not supported.