Owner manual

Realtime Rack Manual Chapter 5: UAD Meter & Control Panel 128
Plug-Ins Panel
The Plug-Ins panel displays the current authorization status of all UAD plug-ins. This is
also where you can activate Demo Mode for individual UAD plug-in (see). Use the scroll-
bar to view plug-ins that may not be visible in the list.
Tip: Some of the functionality of the Plug-Ins panel is duplicated/available in the
Settings page within the Realtime Rack software application.
The Plug-Ins panel
Authorize Plug-Ins button
This important button links directly to your account at the UA online store to automati-
cally generate and download an authorization file for your licensed UAD plug-ins. If you
do not already have an account, you are redirected to the registration page to create one.
Important: UAD plug-ins require authorization before they can be used. For de-
tailed information, see “Authorization Overview” on page 143. Without authori-
zation, UAD plug-ins can be enabled to run for 14 days without functional limita-
tions in a timed Demo Mode.
The complete procedure for UAD device authorization is detailed on page 32. If the
computer is not connected to the internet, see “Offline Authorization” on page 34.
Plug-In Column
All currently installed UAD Powered Plug-Ins are displayed in the Plug-In column. Use
the scroll bar to view the entire list if necessary.