Owner manual

Realtime Rack Manual Chapter 6: Using UAD Powered Plug-Ins 140
Entering Tempo Values
In addition to adjusting the parameter knob, the two following methods can be used for
entering Tempo Sync values.
Arrow Keys
After clicking the parameter to select it, the arrow keys can be used to scroll through
available note values.
Text Entry
Direct text entry is also available (see “Shortcuts” on page 136). Any notation values
can be entered (fraction or decimal), and the values are automatically converted to the
nearest appropriate setting.
For example: If 3/4 or 6/8 is entered using text entry, 1/2D is displayed because a dot-
ted half note equals three quarter notes, which is the duration of one measure in a time
signature of 3/4 or 6/8. If 12/8 is entered with text entry, 1/1D is displayed because a
dotted whole note equals six quarter notes, which is the duration of one measure in a
time signature of 12/8 (or two measures in a time signature of 3/4 or 6/8).
This means you can create a tempo sync duration of one measure for any time signature
by simply typing in the time signature (assuming there is a match in the beat table).
Similarly, if 1/12 is entered with text entry, 1/8T is displayed because an eighth note
triplet is equivalent to one-twelfth of a measure (if in 4/4 time).
Out of range
When a parameter note value is out of range of the current tempo note value, the note
value is displayed in parentheses on a red background, as shown below.
Tempo Sync note value display