Owner manual

Realtime Rack Manual Chapter 4: Realtime Rack Application 81
Upsampling Values Table
The table below lists the additional latency values, in samples, produced by upsampled
UAD plug-ins.
Sample Rate (kHz)
Upsampled UAD Plug-In 44.1 48 88.2 96
Precision Limiter 64 69 129 140
API 550 A
API Vision Console Channel Strip
Neve 33609
Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection
Massive Passive
Moog Filter
Pultec EQP-1A
Pultec MEQ-5
Studer A800
UA 1176 Limiter Collection
UA 610-B Tube Preamp
55 55 55 55
Precision Maximizer 67 67 67 67
API 560
Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection
56 56 56 56
Helios Type 69
Harrison 32C
Neve 1073, 1081, 31102
Precision EQ
Pultec EQP-1A Legacy
Pultec-Pro Legacy
Pultec HLF-3C
SSL E Channel Strip
Trident A-Range
31 31 13 13
Little Labs IBP 32 32 14 14
Lexicon 224* (see note) 84 79 90 97
EMT 250* (see note) 75 11 85 24
MXR Flanger/Doubler 31 31 0 0
Upsampled UAD plug-ins with additional sample latencies
*Lexicon 224 & EMT 250 Note
The EMT 250 and Lexicon 224 anti-aliasing filters for their A/D and D/A conversion are not linear-phase
filters; therefore the emulations do not have a latency that is the same at all frequencies. Thus, we cannot
report to the delay compensation engines a delay that is correct for all frequencies. The reported values are
good at low frequencies, but become off at high frequencies.
For example, when the EMT 250 plug-in is in Delay program mode and set with zero delay time and pre-
delay values, the plug-in output will not be completely cancelled when mixing with flipped phase against
an unprocessed track; high frequencies will leak through. However, the latency through the dry side of the
wet/dry mix, and the latency when the plug-in is bypassed via the EMT 250 Power switch, do not have this
issue and will be fully compensated by the Reatime Rack software.