Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 112 - Chapter 9: DreamVerb
Mute This switch mutes the signal at the input to DreamVerb. This allows the reverb
tail to play out after mute is applied, which is helpful for auditioning the sound
of the reverb. Mute is on when the button is gray and off when the button is
Mix The wet and dry mix of DreamVerb is controlled with this slider. The two but-
tons above this slider labeled “D” and “W” represent Dry and Wet; clicking
either will create a 100% dry or 100% wet mix.
Dry When this button (labeled “D”) is enabled, DreamVerb is 100% dry. It has the
same effect as moving the Mix slider to 0%. Dry is on when the button is gray
and off when the button is black.
Wet When this button (labeled “W”) is enabled, DreamVerb is 100% wet. It has
the same effect as moving the Mix slider to 100%. Wet is on when the button
is gray and off when the button is black.
Spatial Characteristics
Size The apparent size of a reverberant space is dependent on many factors. Most
reverbs on the market have a “size” parameter, which usually modifies sev-
eral facets of the reverb algorithm at once. You may notice DreamVerb does
not have a “size” parameter. Instead, the elements that control the reverber-
ant space are available to the user.
In DreamVerb, room size is determined by the interaction between all the pa-
rameters in the Reflections and Reverberation panels. To get a larger-sound-
ing space, increase the T60 (reverberation time), use proportionally more air,
increase the pre-delays, and slightly shift the Resonance transition frequencies
to lower values.
Pre-Delay Intimacy and remoteness are largely controlled by the pre-delays. Generally
speaking, use shorter pre-delays for more intimate spaces. Clear spaces have
most of their energy in the first eighty milliseconds or so; muddy spaces have
a lot of late arriving energy.
Space In some sense, Shape determines the spatial characteristics of the reverbera-
tor, whereas Materials effects the spectral characteristics.