Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 14 - Chapter 1: Documentation & Support
Documentation & Support
UAD Documentation Overview
This section describes the various instructional and technical resources that
are available for installing, using, and troubleshooting UAD Powered Plug-
Ins. Documentation for the product line is available in written, video, and on-
line formats.
ReadMe The ReadMe contains information that may not be available in other loca-
tions. Please review all the information in the ReadMe before installing or us-
ing UAD Powered Plug-Ins. The ReadMe.rtf file is presented for viewing dur-
ing the software installation process, and installed to:
Windows Start Menu>All Programs>UAD Powered Plug-Ins
Mac Startup Disk/Applications/Universal Audio
Documentation for UAD-2 and Powered Plug-Ins are separated by areas of
functionality, as described below. The user manuals are on the software disc,
and also placed inside the Powered Plug-Ins Documentation folder on the
hard drive during software installation.
All manuals are in PDF format. PDF files require a free PDF reader application
such as Adobe Reader (Windows) or Preview (Mac).
UAD System Manual
The UAD System Manual is the complete operation manual for UAD function-
ality and applies to the entire UAD product line. It contains detailed informa-
tion about installing and configuring UAD devices, the UAD Meter & Control
Panel application, how to use UAD Powered Plug-Ins within a DAW, obtain-
ing optional plug-in licenses at the UA online store, and more. It includes ev-
erything about UAD except Apollo-specific information and individual UAD
Powered Plug-In descriptions.
UAD Plug-Ins Manual
The features and functionality of all the individual UAD Powered Plug-Ins is de-
tailed in the UAD Plug-Ins Manual. Refer to this document to learn about the
operation, controls, and user interface of each plug-in.