Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 295 - Chapter 29: Ocean Way Studios
Distance The distance from the microphone pair to
the source can be dynamically adjusted
using the Distance control. Just as when
recording with microphones in the physi-
cal realm, the mic-to-source distance can
have a significant impact on the sound
that is captured.
The room will sound tighter and more
present the closer the mics are to the
source; conversely, the room gets “bigger” when the mics are farther away
from the source. The Ocean Way Studios modeling includes the proximity
gain that occurs in the physical realm; the signal can be notably louder as mi-
crophones are positioned closer to the source.
Stereo Separation
The separation between a stereo microphone pair varies depending on the
microphone pair selected and its Distance setting. With most settings, the sep-
aration increases incrementally as the distance from the source increases.
Fixed Distance Microphones
When Studio is set to OWR B and Source is set to Strings, Horns, or Vocal
Group, the 4006 and MKH20 selections for the Far microphone cannot be re-
positioned with the Distance control.
With the Far MKH20, this is a specialized setup whereby Mr. Sides chose to
set the microphones near the walls for the best sound. With the Far 4006, this
is because these mics are fixed installations in the studio loft (they cannot be
adjusted in the real studio either).
Distance Delay
When recording a sound source with a microphone, there is an inherent de-
lay between the source and the microphone. This delay is the time it takes for
the sound waves to physically travel from the source to the mic (see Figure 92
on page 296). The farther the distance is from the source to the mic, the
longer the delay time.
When a microphone pair in Ocean Way Studios is set to “aligned” by click-
ing its Distance knob, this inherent mic delay is artificially removed so the
sound source “reaches” the mic instantaneously. The setting is useful when the
source audio signals need to remain time-aligned, or simply for its own phys-
ically-impossible sonic effect.