Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 325 - Chapter 31: Precision De-Esser
Precision De-Esser
The Precision De-Esser seamlessly and accurately removes sibilance from in-
dividual audio tracks or even composite mixes via its intuitive interface and
sophisticated yet transparent filter processing.
The Threshold knob dials in the amount of sibilance reduction, while the two-
position “Speed” button gives control over the envelope (attack and release)
of the detector. The Frequency knob sweeps a continuous target frequency
range from 2-16 kHz, allowing repairs on a large range of voices (or even
overheads and hi-hats), while the Solo button allows the user to isolate and
monitor the target sibilant frequencies. The Width control offers a variable
1/6 to 1 2/3 octave bandpass filter that is perfect for complex program ma-
terial, adapting technology from the TEC-nominated Precision Multiband. The
Width control also switches into a more traditional highpass filter more com-
monly employed when tailoring individual voices. For even greater transpar-
ency, the Split feature gives the user the option to compress only the sibilant
range, or may be turned off to compress the entire spectrum for more tradi-
tional de-essing.
Precision De-Esser Screenshot
Figure 99. The Precision De-Esser plug-in window