Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 329 - Chapter 32: Precision Enhancer Hz
Precision Enhancer Hz
The Precision Enhancer Hz allows the user to selectively add upper harmonics
to bass fundamentals, sometimes referred to as “phantom bass.” This signifi-
cantly enhances the perception of low-end energy beyond the conventional
frequency response of small speakers. These harmonics stimulate a psychoa-
coustic bass-enhancing effect in the listener, giving even the smallest speakers
greater translation of low frequency sources. Universal Audio’s unique ap-
proach to this common problem combines a simple control set that yields ex-
acting results with minimal adjustment and allows the widest range of tonality
available in its class, from subtle to decidedly audible.
The Hz Frequency control sets the corner frequency of the bass-isolation low
pass filter, while Effect blends the generated signal into the original signal.
Four effect slopes are available for variations in harmonic density, while five
modes present various internal control configurations to support the widest ar-
ray of source material. Finally, the Precision Enhancer Hz includes control
over the final output with metering to compensate for gain changes created
by the effect.
Precision Enhancer Hz does for low frequencies what Precision Enhancer kHz
does for the highs. Together, they are a great complementary pair.
Precision Enhancer Hz Screenshot
Figure 100. The Precision Enhancer Hz plug-in window