Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 34 - Chapter 2: Ampex ATR-102
When Tape Speed is set to 30 IPS, the green Emphasis EQ LEDs are not illu-
minated (and cannot be switched), indicating that the Emphasis EQ is set to
AES. However, the Hum frequency can still be set for 30 IPS mode by setting
Emphasis EQ to NAB (for 60 Hz) or CCIR (for 50 Hz) prior to setting Tape
Speed to 30 IPS.
Note: When Tape Speed is 3.75 IPS, only 60 Hz is available.
Hiss Hiss determines the amount of tape hiss in the tape playback signal.
The default value is 0 dB and can be offset by –25 dB to +50 dB for cre-
ative purposes. Noise Enable must be ON for this control to function.
Like the hardware, the amount of hiss is dependent on settings of the various
controls and may subtly change based on the values of Path Select, Tape
Type, Emphasis EQ, Cal Level, Bias, Playback EQs, and Output Level.
Hiss Level is not affected by automatic calibration, so its level does not change
with Tape Speed. When Hiss Level is at its default position (0 dB), the amount
of hiss present in the signal is as if the Tape Speed is 15 IPS. To emulate the
amount of hiss at the other tape speeds, enter the offsets from T
able 2.
Note: Because hiss noise is an element of tape playback, Hiss is disabled
when Path Select is set to Input.
Wow & Flutter
These buttons are global enable/disable controls for the Wow
and Flutter effects. When Wow & Flutter is ON, the level of
Wow and Flutter can be independently adjusted using the
Wow and Flutter Level controls.
Wow and Flutter are “undesirable” pitch modulations induced by the me-
chanical components of the tape transport. Wow is a by-product of capstan
irregularities, while flutter is a by-product of tape stretching and sticking. Both
can be effectively used for creative purposes.
Table 2. Hiss Level Offsets
Tape Speed Hiss Level Setting
30 IPS –8 dB
15 IPS 0 dB
7.5 IPS 12.5 dB
3.75 IPS
17 dB