Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 370 - Chapter 38: Precision Multiband
Precision Multiband Interface
The Precision Multiband interface is designed to make this complex processor
easier to use.
Five separate frequency bands are available for processing. Each band is
identified by a unique color, and all controls specific to the band have the
same color. This helps to visually associate parameters to the band that they
affect. The band names and their colors are:
Low Frequency (LF): Red
Low-Mid Frequency (LMF): Orange
Mid Frequency (MF): Yellow
High-Mid Frequency (HMF): Green
High Frequency (HF): Blue
The interface is divided into four primary areas of control:
The Band Controls section contains the dynamic response parameters for
each of the five bands. One set of band controls is displayed at a time. See
“Band Controls” on page 371.
The EQ Display contains the band frequency parameters and shows a
graphic representation of the band frequency response. The overall equal-
ization response is also displayed (if enabled). See “EQ Display” on
page 376.
• The Dynamics Meters display the amount of gain reduction or expansion oc-
curring on each band. The band enable and solo controls are here also.
See “Dynamics Meters” on page 379.
The Global controls affect aspects of the plug-in not associated with individ-
ual bands. These include input/output controls and meters, power, and
other controls. See “Global Controls” on page 380.