Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 438 - Chapter 45: SSL E Channel Strip
This compressor has an automatic make-up gain function. As Threshold is low-
ered and compression increases (as knob is rotated clockwise), output gain
from the module is increased automatically to compensate.
Release sets the amount of time it takes for gain reduction to
cease once the input signal drops below the threshold level.
Longer release times can smooth the transition that occurs
when the signal dips below the threshold, which is especially
useful for material with frequent peaks. However, if you set the
Release time too long, the gain reduction imposed by loud sec-
tions of audio may initially reduce the level of subsequent sections of audio
with lower signals.
Available Release times are continuously variable between 0.1 seconds and
4 seconds.
Compress Attack Attack defines the duration between the input signal reaching the thresh-
old and processing being applied by the compressor. Attack time is nor-
mally 30 milliseconds (“slow” mode in Controls View). When Fast Attack
is enabled, attack time is 3 milliseconds.
Fast Attack is active when the “F.ATK” LED (4K: “F.ATT”) is illuminated. To
toggle Fast Attack, click the LED or its label text.
The gate/expander module operates in either gate or expansion mode, as
determined by the Dynamics Select button. Two attack speeds and a continu-
ously variable release time are available in both modes.
Dynamics Select The Select button cycles through the three modes available in the
gate/expander module: Expand, Gate 1, and Gate 2.
Expand (EX)
In Expand mode, the module applies downwards expansion at a fixed 1:2 ra-
tio, with the amount of gain reduction determined by the Range control (“Ex-
pand Range” on page 439).