Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 462 - Chapter 47: Studer A800
While noise is historically considered a negative, and was the attribute that
pushed the technical envelope for better machines and formulas, noise is still
an ever-present component of the sound of using tape and tape machines.
Auto Cal The Studer A800 has individual parameters for Bias, HF
Record EQ, and Sync/Repro EQ. On the hardware tape ma-
chine, these calibration controls are usually adjusted when-
ever Tape Type, Tape Speed, or Emphasis EQ is changed.
When Auto Cal (Automatic Calibration) is ON in the plug-in,
these calibration controls (see Figure 145 on page 464) are automatically
adjusted to the calibrated values whenever the Tape Type, Tape Speed, and
Emphasis EQ are modified. After Auto Calibration occurs, the automatically
adjusted parameters can then be modified to any value if desired.
When Auto Cal is OFF, the calibration parameters do not change values
when Tape Type, Tape Speed, and Emphasis EQ are modified.
Note: Auto Cal is enabled by default.
Tip: When making manual calibration settings, consider disabling Auto Cal
so the manually calibrated settings are not accidentally lost if another control
is modified.
Gang Controls Gang Controls enables global control adjustments of all pa-
rameters for all Studer A800 instantiations. This functionality
may be accessed from within any active Studer A800
Click the Gang Controls buttons to alternate between the two
states. A red flashing LED is present whenever Gang Controls is enabled as
a reminder to use this feature with caution.
Important: When Gang Controls is ON and a Studer A800 parameter is
modified, the current value of that parameter on all other Studer A800 instan-
tiations will be overwritten and cannot be recovered.
Gang Controls Notes
Gang Controls is a read-only, non-automatable parameter and its current
value is not saved with the session.