Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 500 - Chapter 51: UA 610-B Tube Preamp
Although very few desks were built from 610 modules, their contribution to
the history of recorded music is enormous. Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and
The Beach Boys were a few artists captured with the 610 at United/Western
as part of landmark recordings such as “Sounds in Country and Western Mu-
sic,” “Strangers In The Night,” and “Pet Sounds,” respectively.
One of these 610 desks is the famous Wally Heider “Green Board.” This ex-
tremely well-built example was originally fabricated by Frank DeMedio for
Wally Heider’s Remote Recording Service in the early ‘60s. Wally originally
handled many of the live recording dates booked by Putnam. This console re-
corded and mixed some of the greatest performances of the era, from many
live shows with the “Rat Pack,” to recording the very last concert under the ba-
ton of Igor Stravinsky in Los Angeles.
With the Wally Heider Green Board alone, the list of records using the 610
is staggering. Here are but a few notable acts recorded with the Green
Board: Duke Ellington, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, Fats Dom-
ino, Little Richard, Cream, The Beach Boys, The Doors, Janis Joplin with Big
Brother & The Holding Company, The Who, The Grateful Dead, The Steve
Miller Band, Moby Grape, The Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Booker T. & the
M.G.s, Otis Redding, Eric Burdon and The Animals, Simon and Garfunkel,
and The Jimi Hendrix Experience (live at the Monterey Pop Festival, where he
first set his guitar on fire!).
In the early ‘70s, long before this one-of-a-kind desk's historical significance
could be anticipated, Neil Young bought the 12-channel board from Wally
Heider. Young immediately moved it to his Broken Arrow Ranch. He installed
the desk in his barn, which he used as a recording studio, and employed it to
record his seminal record “Harvest” and may other classic albums. The Green
Board remains at Broken Arrow Ranch, and is still in use today.