Owner's manual

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 77 - Chapter 5: Cambridge EQ
Shelf EQ
Shelf Enable
Each band can be switched from parametric mode to shelf
mode by clicking the shelf enable button. The button is off
by default. To enable shelving on any band, click the shelf
The button is green when shelving is enabled. Additionally,
the control bat associated with the band has a horizontal
shelf indicator line in the response curve display (see
Figure 23 on page 78) when shelf mode is active.
Shelf Type
When a band is in shelf mode and its Q is above the min-
imum value, a resonant peak occurs in the filter response.
The Shelf Type button affects where this resonant peak oc-
curs in relation to the shelf frequency.
Its purpose is to emulate the response curves of classic high-
end analog mixing consoles. It’s yet another tool to help
you find the exact sound you are looking for.
The Shelf Type button places the resonant peak at (A) the edge of the stop-
band (Figure 22 on page 78), (B) the edge of the passband (Figure 23), or
(C) at the edge of the stopband and the passband (Figure 24).
Shelf Q When a band is in shelf mode, the Q knob sets the resonance of the band.
The range of the Q knob is 0-100% when in shelf mode.
Note: When a band is in shelf mode, the Gain setting will affect the Q of the
When the Q is at its minimum value, there is no resonant peak. The resonance
increases and becomes more prominent as the Q is increased. Therefore, for
the shelf type to have any effect the Q must be above its minimum value.
Note: In order for this button to have any affect, the band must be in shelving
mode, some gain must be applied, and the Q must be above its minimum