
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 123 - Chapter 10: Empirical Labs EL7 FATSO
Bypass/Tranny This black button is a multifunction control. Clicking the button re-
peatedly cycles through Tranny, Bypass, and Tranny Off modes.
The currently active mode is indicated by the adjacent LED's.
Tranny (green LED)
The Tranny processor is active in this mode (see “The Tranny Processor” on
page 118 for a detailed description of this mode). The Tranny circuit adds fre-
quency “rounding,” low order clipping, intermodular distortion and transient
clipping. On FATSO Sr., the Tranny amount can be set with the Tranny Level
control (page 128).
Note: Disabling Tranny will yield a significant reduction in UAD DSP usage
when DSP LoadLock is disabled. If DSP LoadLock is enabled (the default set-
ting), disabling Tranny will not reduce DSP usage.
Tranny Off (red and green LED's off)
In this mode, the Tranny processor is inactive but the other processors are ac-
tive. This mode requires less UAD DSP than when Tranny is active.
Bypass (red LED)
All FATSO controls and processing for the channel are inactive in this mode.
Note: UAD DSP load is not reduced in Bypass mode. If you want to reduce
UAD DSP usage when bypassing both channels of the FATSO, use the Power
switch instead (page 125).
Output The Output knob controls the signal level that is output
from the plug-in.
Note: This control has no effect when Bypass (“By-
pass/Tranny” on page 123) is active.