
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 201 - Chapter 18: Lexicon 224
Access The hidden controls are exposed by click-
ing the “OPEN” text to the right of the Dis-
play Panel. Conversely, the exposed
panel is closed by clicking the “CLOSE”
text while the panel is open.
Note: The last-used state of the Hidden Controls panel (open or closed) is re-
tained when a new Lexicon 224 plug-in is instantiated.
Pitch Shift Pitch Shift is a component of Mode Enhancement. See “Mode Enhance Pitch
Shift” on page 198 for parameter details.
Input Gain The independent left (“L”) and right (“R”) Input Gain parameters control the
signal levels at the input to the reverb processor. They do not affect the dry sig-
nal, so Input Gain can be used to adjust the wet/dry mix. The default value
is 0 dB. The available range is ±12 dB. The right channel control is unavail-
able when Lexicon 224 is used in a mono-in/mono-out configuration.
As signal levels into the Lexicon 224 increase, the analog and digital re-
sponse of the device becomes increasingly nonlinear. If signals are too high,
the Lexicon 224 A/D inputs and/or processor can overload, lighting the
Overflow LED and causing sonic artifacts. See “Overflow LED” on page 192
for more information.
Tip: Click the text label (“Input Gain”) to return the value of both channels to
Output Level The independent left (“L”) and right (“R”) Output Level parameters control the
signal levels at the output of the plug-in. The default value is 0 dB. The avail-
able range is – (infinite) dB to +12 dB. The right channel control is unavail-
able when Lexicon 224 is used in a mono-in/mono-out configuration.
Tip: Click the text label (“Output Level”) to return the value of both channels
to zero.
Link Link/unlink allows the left and right controls for Input Gain and Output
Level to be unlinked (non-ganged) in order to apply a different value
for each channel. Link is inactive when the LED is unlit. Click the Link LED to
toggle the state. The default state is ON.