
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 212 - Chapter 20: Little Labs VOG
Like the original hardware, increasing the Frequency value (rotating clock-
wise) actually lowers the target frequency (“increases the low end”). Changes
to this setting are heard only if Amplitude is set above zero.
Note: The control values for Frequency, which range from 0 – 10, are arbi-
trary and do not reflect a particular frequency value.
Center The two Center switches define the active center frequency
of the effect, which in turn determines the available fre-
quency range. The four available center frequencies, and
resulting frequency ranges, are shown in Table 19 below.
A switch is “ON” when its LED is red. A green LED indi-
cates the switch is “OFF.”
Flat The EQ circuitry is bypassed when Flat is enabled (red
LED); the circuit is active when Flat is disabled (green LED).
When Flat is on, the dry signal path of the hardware is still
being modeled and DSP is used. For true bypass, use the Power switch.
Power Power is the plug-in bypass control. When set to OFF,
emulation processing is disabled, the LEDs are dimmed,
and DSP usage is reduced (if UAD-2 DSP LoadLock is dis-
abled). Power is useful for comparing the processed settings to the original
Table 19. Center Switch Frequency Values
“40” Button LED “100” Button LED Center Frequency (Hz) Frequency Range (Hz)
Green Green 40 18 – 60
Red Green 42 20 – 62
Green Red 100 50 – 180
Red Red 200 100 – 305