
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 223 - Chapter 21: Manley Massive Passive EQ
The Low Pass/High Pass filter frequencies in the mastering version are tuned
specifically for mastering, and the slopes are flatter until the knee. The slopes
are 18 dB per octave on the mastering filters except for the highest value
(52K) which is 30 dB/octave.
Other Controls
The Power and Link controls are global to both channels.
Power Power is a two-state knob that determines whether the plug-in is ac-
tive. When the knob is in the Off (counter-clockwise) position, all LED
elements are unlit, plug-in processing is disabled, and UAD DSP us-
age is reduced (unless UAD-2 DSP LoadLock is enabled).
Link The Link switch is a software-only addition that allows the two sets of controls
for each channel to be linked for ease of operation when both channels re-
quire the same values, or unlinked when dual-mono operation is desired. The
Link parameter is stored within presets and can be accessed via automation.
Important: When unlink is switched to link, channel 1 controls are copied
to channel 2. Control offsets between channels are lost in this case.
Figure 70. High Pass and Low Pass filter response curves (standard version)