
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 23 - Chapter 2: Ampex ATR-102
Primary Controls
Meters The two Meters display signal levels of the plug-in for the left and right chan-
nels. Meter ballistics of the original hardware are modeled. The Meters can
be switched to display input or output levels in peak or VU modes.
The plug-in operates at an internal level of –12 dBFS. Therefore a digital sig-
nal with a level of –12 dB below full scale digital (0 dBFS) at the plug-in input
will equate to 0 dB on the Meters when Reproduce is in its calibrated position,
which is marked with the “red arrow sticker.”
When Path Select is set to Thru, the Meters indicate signal levels at the input
of the plug-in prior to processing.
Note: Although there are separate left/right Meter controls for VU/Peak and
Input/Output, these controls are permanently linked and cannot be switched
individually for the left and right channels.
Input/Output These switches change the Meter to display levels at the input or output of the
plug-in. Input metering is a UAD-only feature which is unavailable in the orig-
inal hardware.
When in Input mode, the Meter reflects the signal level after the Record (input)
gain when Path Select is set to Sync or Repro. In Input mode when Path Select
is set to Thru, the Meter reflects the pre-processed (raw input) signal level.
When in Output mode, the meter reflects the signal level at the output of the
plug-in, which is just after the Reproduce (output) gain.
Peak/VU This switch is used to change Meter behavior between Peak or VU modes.
Figure 3. One side of the Ampex ATR-102 “penthouse” showing meter and I/O controls