
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 314 - Chapter 29: Ocean Way Studios
Master EQ
This group of parameters contains the controls for Ocean Way Studio’s mas-
ter equalizer. It is a two band (low and high) shelving EQ that uses ana-
log-sounding algorithms for great tonal shaping options. The slope of both fil-
ters is 12 dB per octave.
The Master EQ section is independent from the reverb algorithms. A graph of
the current curve is displayed in the Master EQ display panel.
Tip: To quickly return to the 0 dB position for either of the Master EQ Gain
controls, click the GAIN text label above the knob.
Master EQ
The Master EQ is enabled with this switch. The equalizer is active when the
button is illuminated.
Low Shelf
This parameter specifies the low shelving band transition frequency to be
boosted or attenuated by the low shelf Gain setting. The range is from 20 Hz
to 2 kHz.
Because this is a shelving EQ, all frequencies below this setting will be ef-
fected by the low shelf Gain value.
Low Shelf Gain This parameter determines the amount by which the transition frequency set-
ting for the low band is boosted or attenuated. The available range is ±12 dB.
High Shelf
This parameter determines the high shelving band transition frequency to be
boosted or attenuated by the high shelf Gain setting. The range is from 200
Hz to 20 kHz.
Because this is a shelving EQ, all frequencies above this setting will be af-
fected by the high shelf Gain value.
High Shelf Gain This parameter determines the amount by which the frequency setting for the
high band is boosted or attenuated. The available range is ±12 dB.