
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 334 - Chapter 32: Precision Enhancer Hz
Precision Enhancer Hz Usage Notes
• The Precision Enhancer Hz effect can serve multiple purposes. When the fre-
quency control is set low, the effect extends into the audible low end. Lower
frequencies work well for adding a low end thump or beefing up percussive
bass/kicks, but be careful not to overdo it. With the frequency control set to
mid to higher frequencies, the effect is designed to add bass tone that would
ordinarily disappear on smaller speakers.
For the most predictable results, it is recommended to audition your mix on
both full range systems with a subwoofer, as well as small consumer systems
such as a boombox or computer speakers.
A different effect response will be achieved when the plug-in is used pre-
compression. It is recommended to experiment with processing order as re-
sults can vary substantially.