
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 376 - Chapter 38: Precision Multiband
Attack Attack sets the amount of time that must elapse once the input signal reaches
the Threshold level before processing is applied. The faster the Attack, the
more rapidly processing is applied to signals above the threshold.
The available range is 50 microseconds to 100 milliseconds.
Release Release sets the amount of time it takes for processing to cease once the input
signal drops below the threshold level. Slower release times can smooth the
transition that occurs when the signal dips below the threshold, especially use-
ful for material with frequent peaks. However, if you set too large of a Release
time, processing for sections of audio with loud signals may extend to lengthy
sections of audio with lower signals. The available range is 20 milliseconds
to 2 seconds.
Gain The Gain control adjusts the output level of the band. Generally speaking, ad-
just the Gain control after the desired amount of processing is achieved with
the Threshold control. The Gain control does not affect the amount of process-
ing. The available range is ±12 dB.
Note: The Gain for each band can also be modified by control points in the
EQ Display (see “Curve Control Points” on page 377).
For details about the band frequencies, see “Frequency Controls” on
page 379.
Band Enable &
For details about the band enable and solo controls, see “Dynamics Meters”
on page 380.